Is Dharma Going To The Dogs?

I mean, are we taking the benefits of Dharma to dogs and other animals?
Let me explain…
According to the teachings of the Buddha there are three higher realms and three lower realms. The animal realm, which includes birds, insects and worms, etc., is one of the lower realms. It’s considered lower because sentient beings in the animal realm do not have the ability to hear Dharma teachings. Their possibility to advance spiritually by doing Dharma practice is very low.
As humans we have the ability to benefit animals by “taking Dharma to the dogs.” We can do that by reciting mantras that benefit them and then blowing the mantra onto the animal. There are two mantras that prevent the animal who receives them from ever being reborn in a lower realm ever again:
The mantra of Avalokiteshvara (Chenrayzee) gives this and many other benefits: OM MANI PEME HUNG.
Another mantra which prevents rebirth in lower realms is the mantra of the Medicine Buddha: TEYATA OM BEKHATZE BEKHATZE MAHA BEKHATZE RANZE SAMUGATE SOHA.
So the next time we see an animal of any kind, if we say one or both of these mantras and then blow the mantras onto the animal, we will have given them an incredible gift and we’ll have accumulated great merit by doing so. This presumes the correct motivation of the Enlightenment Thought and the dedication of merit at the end.
May all beings benefit.
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