One Minute Dharma



Surveys often report that a large number of people feel lonely. Does the Buddhadharma offer any help in this regard? Fortunately, there are at least two Dharma remedies for this unhappy emotion: relative and absolute.   The absolute remedy asks the question: Who...

The Six Pollutions

The Six Pollutions

The Six Pollutions to Overcome When Receiving Dharma Teachings According to the great Sakya master Venerable Dezchung Rinpoche, there are six pollutions, or faults, to be overcome when receiving Dharma teachings: -Pride. "I probably know as much as this Dharma...



Question: Are sutras and dharanis the words of the Buddha? What is the difference between them? Answer: Sutras are the words and teachings of the historical Shakyamuni Buddha, as recorded by his disciples. Dharanis, on the other hand, are beginningless. Like many...

If Given a Choice

If Given a Choice

If Given a Choice, Which One of These Practices Would You Do? Number one, you can accumulate all the wealth in all the universe and offer it to the Three Jewels[1], or number two, you can go for refuge to the Three Jewels three times. Which practice would you choose...



A Few Words About Visualization Some people visualize quite naturally, and others do not. When I first started meditating more than 40 years ago, I could not visualize at all. My teacher would say, “Visualize this, or visualize that…” and I would see nothing at all....